How We Help A Restaurant
Thrive Even During Covid-19 Lockdown
A lock down isn’t a reason business comes to a halt. It even thrives on the online delivery service.

Return on Ad
before scaling up
Food items delivery
within a month
Full Pandemic Lock Down &
No Dine In for a New Restaurant
The business only got about RM250+ sales per day before launching a campaign with the WebHero team. This amount isn’t enough to cover for a team to run the kitchen.
Relying on Grab & FoodPanda delivery platform isn’t the way to scale as the commission for these platforms alone is pretty high.

Create an Irresistible Lunch Deal &
Collect Customers Data

We know that 80% of a restaurant business is coming from repeat customers that live 5km around the place. Instead of paying a bit chunk of the fee to deliver the platform, we took the matters into our own hands.

Turning restaurant crews into delivery person.
There are no customers to serve in the restaurant, so all the crew turn into delivery people during lunch time.

Create an irresistible lunch deals
Rather than selling individual food items, we bundle it with free gifts & drinks for upgrades.
It sells at an attractive price to get a big wave of orders.
Then we can continue to sell other items at a later date.

Collect & maintain customers data
For every order that comes in, their contacts are saved in the phone & database. So when there is a new promo or new menu, the team can use automation to notify previously ordered customers to try again.
Hence the cost of getting the sales is near 0 because of the database.
374% Monthly Revenue Growth
Majority of the sales are coming from online orders & delivery during full lock down. And at the time we are writing this story, the business see a shift from online orders to dine in when the lockdown get relax over time.
The business also got a return on ad spend at 14.24x. Which means every RM1 spend on paid marketing, it generates RM14.42 revenue for the business.