Reliable Wordpress Hosting in Malaysia
Fast Loading Server
Build with Litespeed
The fastest server in the industry for hosting
WordPress. 84x faster than a traditional apache server.
Free Cache Plugin
With the Litespeed cache engine, your website loads quickly and serves more people at the same time.
Low Density Server
Fewer websites hosted on the same server, meaning your website loads much faster and is more stable throughout the day.
Secure Hosting Environment
01. 99.9% Server Uptime
02. Build In WAF Protection
03. Offsite Cloud Backup
99.9% Server Uptime
The biggest problem with servers is that they suffer a long down time. Our server logs less than one minute of downtime on average, while others are still experiencing more than 43 hours of downtime per year.
Build In WAF Protection
Prevent brute-force attacks on your website without lifting a finger. The server will automatically block the majority of attacks, ensuring your website runs smoothly.
Offsite Cloud Backup
The server is backed up daily to a separate data center facility, which provides quick recovery in case of disaster or a hacked server.
A Support Team That Cares
Quick & Knowledgeable Support Team
Providing fast & knowledgeable support is the key to making our customers love us! Our team only deals with 1 area of hosting, WordPress hosting. This allows us to resolve your issues in the fastest manner instead of taking days to fix it.
Proactive Monitoring
We don’t just wait for things to go wrong before solving our customers’ problems. If there’s a potential issue, server down, or anything else, our team knows about it before our customers report it. This helps us to ensure our server runs smoothly all the time.
Get A WordPress Hosting Plan Tailored To Your Success
Personal blog, corporate website, or online store,
we have a plan that fits your needs.